The Washington Post

Q Covers 2012-1013

A commission by The Washington Post to create a series of typographic illustrations based off the serif typeface Big Figgins. At the end of each financial quarter of the year the paper does a business "wrap up" and the brief has been to encapsulate the overarching financial theme of the previous 3 months in the US.

Year: 2012-2013 

Wednesday, January 11 2012
This illustration was created for the Business section of the Washington Post as part of a wrap up of the fourth financial quarter of the year and has a focus on the best way for investors to navigate through the "Euro crisis".

Wednesday, April 4 2012
The theme for this quarterly investment outlook was based around the uncertainty of American retirees and their pensions and issues with the tax code 401(k).

Wednesday, July 11 2012
The sentiment of the second financial quarter of 2012 saw a deflation in investor optimism. The brief for this illustration was to introduce a summery feel.

Wednesday, October 3 2012
This illustration was supposed to represent post presidential election shenangians as the cover feature asks the question, "what cues will Wall Street take from the new party in power?"

Sunday, January 18 2013
The brief for this illustration was to create an eery interpretation of a fiscal cliff..


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